School Board Candidates Positions

New Elementary School

Despite several conclusive studies and the addition of trailer-classrooms, our opponents doubt the need for a new elementary school and specifically do not want one in Edgmont. We support a new school and the Edgmont location. 


Our opponents have questioned the necessity of the fund balance, which is crucial to maintaining the district’s excellent bond rating. Fund balances come with many restrictions. It is not a fun-money balance. We understand that school budgeting is much more serious than last-minute decisions and pet projects.


Our opponents have expressed that district taxes are too high. Rose Tree Media School District has a lower millage (tax) rate than over 75% of school districts in Delaware County. We support the current school board's approach to review the budget closely each year to determine the best course of action. 

Mental Health

Our opponents have been vocal about their opposition to initiatives that promote positive mental health. At a time when young people are suffering through mental health crises at a higher rate than ever before, we wholeheartedly support the District's work in this area. The research also supports this work.


Our opponents think that a select group of parents should determine what all students learn and read. We believe curriculum decisions must be made by qualified educators, not those with political agendas, with opt-outs available for families when lessons conflict with personal beliefs.